Road to IEEE SP Cup & VIP Cup


At the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, several aspects of our lives are being impacted in ways that we can only imagine. Health care, education, security, transportation, warfare, entertainment – the list goes on. Inconspicuous to many, state-of-the-art techniques of Signal Processing remains key to this drastic and rapid shift in the industry. Commensurate with the challenging paradigms of the recent times, IEEE Signal Processing Society has been arranging different SP competitions at regular intervals for a while now. Notable such two competitions open to undergraduate students are the IEEE Signal Processing Cup (SP Cup) and the IEEE Video and Image Processing Cup (VIP Cup). IEEE SPS has successfully organized six iterations of the IEEE SP Cup since 2014 and three iterations of the IEEE VIP Cup since 2017. Problems in the past competitions have involved a wide range of signal processing challenges like Image Restoration, Heart Rate Monitoring, Location Forensics, Beat tracking, Image Forensics, Source localization, Traffic Sign Recognition, Lung Tumor Radiomics, Activity Recognition etc. These competitions provide an excellent opportunity for undergraduate students to fast track their skills and experience in the relevant fields. Every year, top three teams of these competitions are rewarded and invited to prestigious international conferences to compete for the final round of the competition. It is a matter of great pride that Bangladeshi students have dominated these competitions since the very beginning. This event aims to bring firsthand experience from SP Cup and VIP Cup to aspiring undergraduate students and provide them guidance on how they can better prepare themselves for these challenges.

Aug 27, 2019 5:00 PM
Seminar on Road to SP Cup and VIP Cup.
Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Suhail Najeeb
Suhail Najeeb
Graduate Researcher

My research interests include deep learning and computer vision.